Homepage of this house: http://www.merowinger-residenz-aachen.de/
Facility management: Herff Hausverwaltungen (Homepage) Kurbrunnenstraße 22 52066 Aachen 0241-44520-0 info (at) herff-hausverwaltungen.de
Appartment rent and administration service: Rolf Everding Tel. 0241-4018900 Fax. +49 241 45068812 Office hours: monday and thursday 09:00-11:00 in the office room in the house (Entrance 16B) hausmeister (at) turmstr16.rwth-aachen.de
Computer network connection (intranet+internet): Beyond Communications (Homepage) 03221-1231618 service (at) turmstr16.rwth-aachen.de The network is directly connected to the RWTH Aachen via Gigabit/s fiber access. Here is the homepage of this house within the RWTH network Application for the internet see flyers and posters in the floors. Ready-to-go within 2 days.